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Age. Experience. Story

In July 1827, in a small village in southern Spain, a local sweets dealer organized a competition to make the most delicious jam.

The main prize of the competition is the exclusive right to sell this jam in a merchant’s shop for the next five years.

Since the stall was very popular among the local sweet tooth, and the owner was reputed to be an honest person, about fifty families from all over the area took part in the competition.

They competed for a week, the winner was chosen by the inhabitants of all five surrounding villages.

The Benitez family (Benitez), rather modest and low-income, won the competition.

Benitez brewed about twenty varieties of the sweetest and most unique jam.

From that moment on, the news of its incredible taste spread all over the southern coast of Spain. People came not only to try, but also to try to learn the recipe. All attempts were in vain: the family kept it a great secret under seven locks and passed it strictly from generation to generation.

At the same time, Benitez generously treated all the guests who came to the village to shop in a trading shop with their unique jam.

Decades later, especially dear guests managed to get the recipe, for which they began to call themselves “te Gusto”, which means “you like me” in Spanish (that is, the family liked me, so they gave me the recipe).

Over time, the jam itself began to be called “te Gusto”, since everyone really liked it.

We were among the lucky ones who managed to get hold of this secret recipe.



Fruits and berries are grown in ecologically clean and sunny conditions.


It is not allowed to add non-natural additives to the manufactured products.




Jam should be cooked with joy, only in this case you can fill this nutritious product with positive and energy.

Feel the love, warmth and care of "te Gusto" in every jar!

As soon as we had the te Gusto recipe, we decided to start production under the brand name te Gusto.

We chose the place of growth of fruits, berries and vegetables with great care, as they must be grown exclusively in ecologically favorable and sunny conditions.

In order to preserve all the taste and nutritional qualities, delivery to the point of production should take a minimum of time.

Therefore, our choice fell on the countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia, whose lands have long been famous for their fruit, berry and vegetable abundance.

We take as a basis the culinary traditions of European, Russian and Oriental cuisine.

Our production allows us to preserve as much as possible not only the natural taste and aroma, but also the beneficial properties of the fruit.

Leading Russian technologists manage our production. They make sure that absolutely all ingredients are carefully selected, because only the highest quality fruits and berries become “te Gusto” jam.

An important feature of the preparation of our products is their production at the time of fruit ripening. The use of frozen and dried fruits and berries is excluded.

Quality control is carried out in several stages.

All our products are certified in the Russian Federation. Production enterprises are certified according to the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points).

The ideology of “te Gusto” is in the creation of exclusively natural and high-quality food products.

We guarantee that our products are completely free of GMOs, as well as other additives of non-natural (chemical) origin.

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