This Privacy and Information Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy) of the website applies to all information that the administration of the Site (hereinafter referred to as the Site) can receive about the User while using the Site.
The User’s use of the Site constitutes agreement with this Privacy Policy and the terms of processing of the User’s personal data. By leaving data on the Site, you agree to the Privacy and Information Protection Policy.
In case of disagreement with the terms of the Privacy Policy, the User has the right not to leave data on the Site.


The following terms are used in this Privacy Policy:
“Site Administration” – authorized representatives of the LLC TG COMPANY to manage the site, acting on its behalf, who organize and (or) carry out the processing of personal data, and also determine the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data subject to processing, actions (operations) performed with personal data.

“Personal data” – any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).
“Processing of personal data” – any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
“Confidentiality of personal data” is a mandatory requirement for the Operator or other person who has access to personal data to not allow their distribution without the consent of the subject of personal data or the presence of another legal basis.
“Site User (hereinafter referred to as the User)” is a person who has access to the Site via the Internet and uses the Site.

Data protection

The Site Administration cannot transfer or disclose information provided by the Site User when using the Site’s functions to third parties, except in cases described by law and this Privacy Policy.

Obtaining personal information

For communication on the Site, the User has the right to enter some personal information. Personal data permitted for processing under this Privacy Policy is provided by the User by filling out the feedback form on the Site and includes the following information:
• last name, first name of the User;
• User’s contact phone number;
• email address of the User.
• User’s address data (zip code, city, street, house, apartment).
The site administration does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the site user.
Any other personal information not specified above (browsers and operating systems used, IP addresses, etc.) is subject to secure storage and non-distribution, except as required by law.
Use of personal information
The site uses the User’s personal information for maintenance, transmission of information and to improve the quality of the goods and services provided. The Site Administration may use the User’s personal data for the following purposes:
• User identification;
• Establishing feedback with the User, including sending catalogs, notifications, requests, processing requests and applications from the User;
• Providing the User with effective customer and technical support if problems arise related to the use of the Site;
• Providing the User with product updates, special offers, pricing information, newsletters and other information on behalf of the Company Website;
• Carrying out advertising activities with the consent of the User.

The processing of the User’s personal data is carried out without a time limit, in any legal way, including in personal data information systems using automation tools or without the use of such tools.
The User agrees that the Site Administration has the right to transfer personal data to third parties, in particular the Company’s employees, solely for the purpose of processing and fulfilling the User’s requests submitted on the Site.
The site makes every effort to maintain the safety of the User’s personal data. The User’s personal data may be transferred to authorized government authorities of the country in which the data is located, only on the grounds and in the manner established by the legislation of that country or when the administration considers such actions necessary to comply with a legal procedure, court order or legal process necessary for the User’s work with the Site. In other cases, under no circumstances, the information that the User transmits to the Site will be disclosed to third parties.


The site may contain links to other sites. The site is not responsible for the content, quality and security policies of these sites. This privacy statement applies only to information posted directly on the Site.

Change Notifications

The site reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy without additional notice. The innovations come into force from the moment of their publication. Users can monitor changes to the Privacy Policy independently.
The current Privacy Policy is posted on the page at